Vous cherchez une entreprise de renom pour l'achat de votre Monument Funéraire pour l'une des cimetières de Exeter? Nous sommes une entreprise familiale vieille de 4 générations qui opère depuis 1925. Depuis près de 100 ans, nous avons fabriqué plus de 50,000 Monuments Funéraires tous personnalisés selon le souhait de nos clients. Puisque nous savons que l'achat d'une Monument Funéraire représente un achat important pour les familles, nous avons pris le soin d'ajouter des centaines de modèles de réalisations livrés et installés dans les cimetières de Exeter afin de vous donner des idées.
Monument Funéraire Exeter
L'achat d'un monument se fait en 5 étapes simple mais importantes:
1) Regardez nos modèles existants et envoyez nous une demande de devis gratuit
2) Nous allons avec vous valider la règlementation du cimetière à Exeter et la grandeur permise pour votre Monument Funéraire
3) Dterminez ensemble le dessin et le lettrage que vous aimeriez retrouver sur votre Monument Funéraire
4) Nous allons vous fournir un plan à l'échelle pour approbation avant de débuter la fabrication de celui-ci
5) Nous allons procéder à la livraison du Monument Funéraire dans le cimetière de Exeter
*** Puisque notre engagement est d'offrir le meilleur service sur le marché, nous allons vous accompagner dans chacune des étapes.
Faites l'achat de votre monument directement depuis le confort de votre foyer - Exeter, partout au Québec ou au Canada. Profitez d'une installation rapide et professionnelle lorsque vous faites l'achat de l'un de nos monuments, ou optez pour une livraison si nous ne couvrons pas votre région ! Nous vous offrons des monuments de première qualité dans un vaste choix de couleurs et de finitions afin que celui-ci réponde à vos goûts et surtout à vos besoins. Notre site web vous offre des modèles que vous pouvez personnaliser selon vos goûts. Communiquez avec nous afin de déterminer le bon modèle de monument pour l'être cher car ce choix est important et il se doit d'être accompagné des meilleurs conseils. En affaires depuis près de 100 ans, nous pouvons vous assurer que nous saurons bien vous conseiller. Notre service est personnalisé, sans pression et nous pouvons même nous déplacer à votre domicile pour vous conseiller dans votre achat de Monument Funéraire.
Name | Address |
Young-Kissling Cemetery |
Pitters Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19606 |
Klein-Close Family Cemetery |
1260 Schoffers Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19508 |
Messerschmidt Burial Ground |
730 Shelborne Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19606 |
Exeter Friends Cemetery |
exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa |
Ross Family Cemetery |
exeter, wisconsin, usa |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, wisconsin, usa |
Winter Street Burial Ground |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Wiggin Family Burying Ground |
61 Newfields Rd., exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Wells Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Town Farm Cemetery |
76 Old Town Farm Road, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Susannah Holman Brown Plot |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Smith Family Cemetery |
Kingston Road (New Hampshire 111), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Gordon Hill Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Small Cemetery |
Kingston Road (New Hampshire 111), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Second Public Cemetery |
Water Street (New Hampshire 85), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Robinson Family Cemetery |
Guinea Road, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Folsom Family Cemetery |
Marlboro Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Thing Family Burying Ground |
58 Watson Rd., exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Folsom Family Burying Ground |
High Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Dow Family Burying Ground |
Hampton Road (New Hampshire 111 / New Hampshire 27), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Congregational Church Burial Ground |
21 Front Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Brown Family Burying Ground |
Garrison Lane, exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Cram Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Christ Church Memorial Garden |
43 Pine Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Barker Family Burying Ground |
Garrison Lane, exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Vineyard Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Mary Catron Grave |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Crow Pond Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Maplewood Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Antioch Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Bashan Hill Cemetery |
Thomas Hollow - near Ridgley, exeter, missouri, usa |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, nebraska, usa |
Horton Cemetery |
exeter, nebraska, usa |
Rider Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Lord Babcock Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Angel Hill Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Round Garden Cemetery |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Josiah Matteson Burial Ground |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Exeter Center Cemetery |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Bliss Family Cemetery |
Mulligan Road, exeter, new-york, usa, 13439 |
Oak Hill Cemetery |
Rolf Lane (Road 790 E), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Berry Farm Cemetery |
Exeter Road (County Road 1), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Borum Cemetery |
Exeter Road (County Road 1), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Etheal Cemetery |
exeter, illinois, usa |
Abigail Mitchell Lot |
376 William Reynolds Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Noah Wilcox Lot |
151 Glen Rock Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Nicholas Bates Lot |
Glen Rock Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Mowrey Bates Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Nathan Hathaway Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Morey Slave Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Moses Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Michael Dawley Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Morey Burial Yard |
Slocumville Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Merriss Lot |
Woody Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Matteson-Lovejoy Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Judge Robert Crandall Lot |
Woody Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joslin Lot |
101 Widow Sweets Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Lillibridge Lot |
Frosty Hollow Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Judge William Bliven Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joshua Rathbun Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joseph Tisdale Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joseph James Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Jorum Northup Cemetery |
Liberty Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Whitford Lot (Defunct) |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Jonathan Lillibridge Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John R. Sherman Lot |
Slocum Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Sweet Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Whitford Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Lewis Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Phillips Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Gardner Lot |
Reuben Brown Lane, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Chapman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Brainard Lot |
2589 Ten Rod Road (Route 165), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Job Kenyon Lot |
Skunk Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Rathbun Jr Lot |
Barber Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Jeffrey Hazard Lot |
Escoheag Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2817 |
James Sheldon Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
James Ray Lot |
South County Trail, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Ira Wilcox Lot |
Barber Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Indian Rock Cemetery |
New London Turnpike, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Huling Gardiner Lot |
65 Exeter Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Indian Cemetery |
Bates School House Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Himes-Lewis-Tillinghast Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Hazard-Peckham Lot |
Ladd School Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Henry Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
George Cotterell Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Hazard Sherman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Indian Burial Ground |
S County Trail, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Slave Lot |
Exeter Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Servant Lot |
William Reynolds Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Lot |
Allenton Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Gardiner-Lawton Lot (Defunct) |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Family Slaves Lot |
Route #2, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardiner Lillibridge Lot |
Summit Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Ezekiel Austin Lot |
Austin Farm Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Exeter School Cemetery |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Ellet Lock Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Exeter Rathbun Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Elmer Chappell Stone |
Widow Sweets Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Elezer Slocum Lot |
New London Turnpike, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eber Sherman Lot |
Hog House Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eber Sherman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Ebenezer Brown Burial Yard |
Arnold Place, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eben Henry Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Deacon Samuel Sherman Lot |
Liberty Church Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Dawley-Straight Lot |
Hog House Hill Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Dawley-Brown Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Daniel Chase Lot |
Hopkins Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Daily Murder Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 165), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Dawley Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Daniel Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Congdon-Hoxsie Cemetery |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Colonel Benjamin Champlin Lot |
Yawgoo Valley Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Chappell Lot |
Widow Sweets Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Colonel Wilcox Lot |
Austin Farm Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Champlin-Greene Burial Ground |
Route 102, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Chestnut Hill Cemetery |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Champlin Lot |
Stoney Fort Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Champlin Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Cezar Onion Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Stephen Lewis Cemetery |
East Shore Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Card Lot |
Sheffield Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Reynolds Lillibridge Lot |
Victory Hwy., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Captain John Reynolds Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Eber J Sherman Lot |
Hog House Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Henry Reynolds Lot |
Purgatory Rd, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Caleb Strange Lot |
Summit Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Braman Lot |
Kingston Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Bentley Burial Ground |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Baker Lot |
William Reynolds Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Benjamin Lawton Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Augustus Sweet Lot |
South County Trail (Route 2), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Arnold - Shearman Lot |
2 Plantation Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Amos Whitford Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Anthony Shaw Lot |
Narrow Lane, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Arnold Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Anthony-Arnold Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Amos Whitford Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Allen Straight Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Boone Family Lot |
West Shore Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Benjamin Potter Lot |
66 Raymond Potter Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Amos Perkins Lot |
Old Voluntown Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Albert Sweet Lot |
School Land Road and Dawley Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Osgood Cemetery |
exeter-corners, maine, usa |
Exeter Mills Cemetery |
exeter-mills, maine, usa |
Tibbetts Cemetery |
Tibbetts Road, exeter-center, maine, usa |
Exeter Center Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Crowell Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Vickery Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Bragg Cemetery |
Tibbetts Road, exeter-center, maine, usa |
Exeter District Cemetery |
719 E Marinette Ave, exeter, california, usa, 93221 |
All Hallows Churchyard |
Goldsmith Street, exeter, devon, england |
St Nicholas' Church |
Mint Lane, exeter, devon, england |
St Martin Churchyard |
Cathedral Close, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1EZ |
St Luke Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
Unitarian Burial Ground |
Magdalen Street, exeter, devon, england |
Wynard's Chapel of the Holy Trinity |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Olave's Churchyard |
Fore Street, exeter, devon, england |
Theatre Royal Fire Memorial |
Higher Cemetery, St Marks Ave, Exeter, Devon, England, exeter, devon, england, EX1 2PX |
St. Stephen's Churchyard |
High Street, exeter, devon, england |
St. Nicholas Priory (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Steps Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Arches Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Major Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Leonard's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. George's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. David's Church Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
St Thomas the Apostle Churchyard |
Cowick Street, St Thomas,, exeter, devon, england, EX4 1HR |
St. Bartholomew's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St Pancras |
St Pancras Church, Guildhall Shopping Precinct, Exeter, EX4 3HP Devon, exeter, devon, england, EX43HP |
St John the Baptist Priory |
exeter, devon, england |
St John's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St Sidwell's Churchyard |
Sidwell Street., exeter, devon, england |
St James |
exeter, devon, england |
St Petrock Churchyard |
10 Cathedral Yard, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1HJ |
St Edmund Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
Saint Paul's Church |
exeter, devon, england |
Holy Trinity |
South Street, City Center, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1ED |
Saint Kerryan's Church |
exeter, devon, england |
Exwick Cemetery |
Exwick Rd, exeter, devon, england, EX4 2BT |
Higher Cemetery |
St Marks Avenue, exeter, devon, england, EX1 2PX |
Exeter Jewish Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter and Devon Crematorium |
Topsham Road, exeter, devon, england, EX2 6EU |
Exeter Prison Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Quaker Burial Ground |
Wynard's Lane, off Magdelen Street,, exeter, devon, england, EX2 4HU |
Exeter Cathedral |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Dissenters Graveyard |
1 Bull Meadow Road, exeter, devon, england, EX2 4HY |
East Devon Crematorium |
exeter, devon, england |
Divinity Chapel of Christ Church Cathedral |
exeter, devon, england |
Cowick Priory (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
Bedford Chapel |
exeter, devon, england |
Black Friars Churchyard (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
Barum Chapel |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Cemetery |
39650 Dashwood Rd, exeter, ontario, canada |
Name | Address |
Young-Kissling Cemetery |
Pitters Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19606 |
Klein-Close Family Cemetery |
1260 Schoffers Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19508 |
Messerschmidt Burial Ground |
730 Shelborne Road, exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa, 19606 |
Exeter Friends Cemetery |
exeter-township, pennsylvania, usa |
Ross Family Cemetery |
exeter, wisconsin, usa |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, wisconsin, usa |
Winter Street Burial Ground |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Wiggin Family Burying Ground |
61 Newfields Rd., exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Wells Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Town Farm Cemetery |
76 Old Town Farm Road, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Susannah Holman Brown Plot |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Smith Family Cemetery |
Kingston Road (New Hampshire 111), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Gordon Hill Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Small Cemetery |
Kingston Road (New Hampshire 111), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Second Public Cemetery |
Water Street (New Hampshire 85), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Robinson Family Cemetery |
Guinea Road, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Folsom Family Cemetery |
Marlboro Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Thing Family Burying Ground |
58 Watson Rd., exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Folsom Family Burying Ground |
High Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Dow Family Burying Ground |
Hampton Road (New Hampshire 111 / New Hampshire 27), exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Congregational Church Burial Ground |
21 Front Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Brown Family Burying Ground |
Garrison Lane, exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Cram Cemetery |
exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Christ Church Memorial Garden |
43 Pine Street, exeter, new-hampshire, usa, 3833 |
Barker Family Burying Ground |
Garrison Lane, exeter, new-hampshire, usa |
Vineyard Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Mary Catron Grave |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Crow Pond Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Maplewood Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Antioch Cemetery |
exeter, missouri, usa |
Bashan Hill Cemetery |
Thomas Hollow - near Ridgley, exeter, missouri, usa |
Exeter Cemetery |
exeter, nebraska, usa |
Horton Cemetery |
exeter, nebraska, usa |
Rider Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Lord Babcock Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Angel Hill Cemetery |
exeter-corner, new-york, usa |
Round Garden Cemetery |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Josiah Matteson Burial Ground |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Exeter Center Cemetery |
exeter, new-york, usa |
Bliss Family Cemetery |
Mulligan Road, exeter, new-york, usa, 13439 |
Oak Hill Cemetery |
Rolf Lane (Road 790 E), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Berry Farm Cemetery |
Exeter Road (County Road 1), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Borum Cemetery |
Exeter Road (County Road 1), exeter, illinois, usa, 62621 |
Etheal Cemetery |
exeter, illinois, usa |
Abigail Mitchell Lot |
376 William Reynolds Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Noah Wilcox Lot |
151 Glen Rock Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Nicholas Bates Lot |
Glen Rock Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Mowrey Bates Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Nathan Hathaway Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Morey Slave Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Moses Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Michael Dawley Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Morey Burial Yard |
Slocumville Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Merriss Lot |
Woody Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Matteson-Lovejoy Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Judge Robert Crandall Lot |
Woody Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joslin Lot |
101 Widow Sweets Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Lillibridge Lot |
Frosty Hollow Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Judge William Bliven Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joshua Rathbun Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joseph Tisdale Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Joseph James Lot |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Jorum Northup Cemetery |
Liberty Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Whitford Lot (Defunct) |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Jonathan Lillibridge Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John R. Sherman Lot |
Slocum Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Sweet Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Whitford Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Lewis Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Phillips Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Gardner Lot |
Reuben Brown Lane, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
John Chapman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Brainard Lot |
2589 Ten Rod Road (Route 165), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Job Kenyon Lot |
Skunk Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
John Rathbun Jr Lot |
Barber Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Jeffrey Hazard Lot |
Escoheag Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2817 |
James Sheldon Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
James Ray Lot |
South County Trail, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Ira Wilcox Lot |
Barber Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Indian Rock Cemetery |
New London Turnpike, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Huling Gardiner Lot |
65 Exeter Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Indian Cemetery |
Bates School House Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Himes-Lewis-Tillinghast Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Hazard-Peckham Lot |
Ladd School Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Henry Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
George Cotterell Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Hazard Sherman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Indian Burial Ground |
S County Trail, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Slave Lot |
Exeter Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Servant Lot |
William Reynolds Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Lot |
Allenton Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Gardiner-Lawton Lot (Defunct) |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardner Family Slaves Lot |
Route #2, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Gardiner Lillibridge Lot |
Summit Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Ezekiel Austin Lot |
Austin Farm Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Exeter School Cemetery |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Ellet Lock Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Exeter Rathbun Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Elmer Chappell Stone |
Widow Sweets Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Elezer Slocum Lot |
New London Turnpike, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eber Sherman Lot |
Hog House Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eber Sherman Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Ebenezer Brown Burial Yard |
Arnold Place, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Eben Henry Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Deacon Samuel Sherman Lot |
Liberty Church Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Dawley-Straight Lot |
Hog House Hill Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Dawley-Brown Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Daniel Chase Lot |
Hopkins Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Daily Murder Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 165), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Dawley Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Daniel Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Congdon-Hoxsie Cemetery |
Ten Rod Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Colonel Benjamin Champlin Lot |
Yawgoo Valley Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Chappell Lot |
Widow Sweets Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Colonel Wilcox Lot |
Austin Farm Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Champlin-Greene Burial Ground |
Route 102, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Chestnut Hill Cemetery |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Champlin Lot |
Stoney Fort Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Champlin Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Cezar Onion Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Stephen Lewis Cemetery |
East Shore Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Card Lot |
Sheffield Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Reynolds Lillibridge Lot |
Victory Hwy., exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Captain John Reynolds Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Eber J Sherman Lot |
Hog House Hill Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Captain Henry Reynolds Lot |
Purgatory Rd, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Caleb Strange Lot |
Summit Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Braman Lot |
Kingston Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Bentley Burial Ground |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Baker Lot |
William Reynolds Rd., exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Barber Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Benjamin Lawton Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Augustus Sweet Lot |
South County Trail (Route 2), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Arnold - Shearman Lot |
2 Plantation Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Amos Whitford Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Anthony Shaw Lot |
Narrow Lane, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Arnold Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Anthony-Arnold Lot |
exeter, rhode-island, usa |
Amos Whitford Lot |
Ten Rod Road (Route 102), exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Allen Straight Lot |
Austin Farm Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Boone Family Lot |
West Shore Drive, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Benjamin Potter Lot |
66 Raymond Potter Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Amos Perkins Lot |
Old Voluntown Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Albert Sweet Lot |
School Land Road and Dawley Road, exeter, rhode-island, usa, 2822 |
Osgood Cemetery |
exeter-corners, maine, usa |
Exeter Mills Cemetery |
exeter-mills, maine, usa |
Tibbetts Cemetery |
Tibbetts Road, exeter-center, maine, usa |
Exeter Center Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Crowell Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Vickery Cemetery |
exeter-center, maine, usa |
Bragg Cemetery |
Tibbetts Road, exeter-center, maine, usa |
Exeter District Cemetery |
719 E Marinette Ave, exeter, california, usa, 93221 |
All Hallows Churchyard |
Goldsmith Street, exeter, devon, england |
St Nicholas' Church |
Mint Lane, exeter, devon, england |
St Martin Churchyard |
Cathedral Close, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1EZ |
St Luke Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
Unitarian Burial Ground |
Magdalen Street, exeter, devon, england |
Wynard's Chapel of the Holy Trinity |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Olave's Churchyard |
Fore Street, exeter, devon, england |
Theatre Royal Fire Memorial |
Higher Cemetery, St Marks Ave, Exeter, Devon, England, exeter, devon, england, EX1 2PX |
St. Stephen's Churchyard |
High Street, exeter, devon, england |
St. Nicholas Priory (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Steps Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Arches Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Mary Major Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. Leonard's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. George's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St. David's Church Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
St Thomas the Apostle Churchyard |
Cowick Street, St Thomas,, exeter, devon, england, EX4 1HR |
St. Bartholomew's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St Pancras |
St Pancras Church, Guildhall Shopping Precinct, Exeter, EX4 3HP Devon, exeter, devon, england, EX43HP |
St John the Baptist Priory |
exeter, devon, england |
St John's Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
St Sidwell's Churchyard |
Sidwell Street., exeter, devon, england |
St James |
exeter, devon, england |
St Petrock Churchyard |
10 Cathedral Yard, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1HJ |
St Edmund Churchyard |
exeter, devon, england |
Saint Paul's Church |
exeter, devon, england |
Holy Trinity |
South Street, City Center, exeter, devon, england, EX1 1ED |
Saint Kerryan's Church |
exeter, devon, england |
Exwick Cemetery |
Exwick Rd, exeter, devon, england, EX4 2BT |
Higher Cemetery |
St Marks Avenue, exeter, devon, england, EX1 2PX |
Exeter Jewish Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter and Devon Crematorium |
Topsham Road, exeter, devon, england, EX2 6EU |
Exeter Prison Cemetery |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Quaker Burial Ground |
Wynard's Lane, off Magdelen Street,, exeter, devon, england, EX2 4HU |
Exeter Cathedral |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Dissenters Graveyard |
1 Bull Meadow Road, exeter, devon, england, EX2 4HY |
East Devon Crematorium |
exeter, devon, england |
Divinity Chapel of Christ Church Cathedral |
exeter, devon, england |
Cowick Priory (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
Bedford Chapel |
exeter, devon, england |
Black Friars Churchyard (Defunct) |
exeter, devon, england |
Barum Chapel |
exeter, devon, england |
Exeter Cemetery |
39650 Dashwood Rd, exeter, ontario, canada |
Zipcodes |
02822, 03833, 04435, 06249, 13315, 18643, 24216, 62621, 65647, 68351, 93221, |
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