Vous cherchez une entreprise de renom pour l'achat de votre Monument Funéraire pour l'une des cimetières de Roch? Nous sommes une entreprise familiale vieille de 4 générations qui opère depuis 1925. Depuis près de 100 ans, nous avons fabriqué plus de 50,000 Monuments Funéraires tous personnalisés selon le souhait de nos clients. Puisque nous savons que l'achat d'une Monument Funéraire représente un achat important pour les familles, nous avons pris le soin d'ajouter des centaines de modèles de réalisations livrés et installés dans les cimetières de Roch afin de vous donner des idées.
Monument Funéraire Roch
L'achat d'un monument se fait en 5 étapes simple mais importantes:
1) Regardez nos modèles existants et envoyez nous une demande de devis gratuit
2) Nous allons avec vous valider la règlementation du cimetière à Roch et la grandeur permise pour votre Monument Funéraire
3) Dterminez ensemble le dessin et le lettrage que vous aimeriez retrouver sur votre Monument Funéraire
4) Nous allons vous fournir un plan à l'échelle pour approbation avant de débuter la fabrication de celui-ci
5) Nous allons procéder à la livraison du Monument Funéraire dans le cimetière de Roch
*** Puisque notre engagement est d'offrir le meilleur service sur le marché, nous allons vous accompagner dans chacune des étapes.
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Name | Address |
Sylvania Hills Memorial Park |
369 Route 68, rochester, pennsylvania, usa, 15074 |
Wallace Cemetery |
rochester, pennsylvania, usa |
Shanor Family Cemetery |
rochester, pennsylvania, usa |
Irvin Cemetery |
rochester, pennsylvania, usa |
Reynolds Ranch Cemetery |
22875 South Rochford Road, rochford, south-dakota, usa, 57745 |
Bell Park Cemetery |
rochford, south-dakota, usa |
Mount Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery |
226 Seville Road, rochelle, virginia, usa, 22727 |
Rochelle Christian Church Cemetery |
Jacks Shop Road, rochelle, virginia, usa, 22923 |
Main Uno Baptist Church Cemetery |
2654 S. Blue Ridge Tpke. (SR 231), rochelle, virginia, usa, 22738 |
Mount Nebo Lutheran Church Cemetery |
3980 Jacks Shop Road (Rt. 621), rochelle, virginia, usa, 22923 |
Herndon - Rucker Cemetery |
1030 Jacks Shop Road (Rt. 621), rochelle, virginia, usa, 22738 |
West Hill Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Oliver Reynolds Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Old Village Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
North Hollow Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Angell Cemetery |
Jerusalem Hill, rochester, vermont, usa |
Bingo Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Tupper Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Little Hollow Cemetery |
77-311 Alexander Hill, rochester, vermont, usa, 5767 |
Woodlawn Cemetery |
rochester, vermont, usa |
Spirit Cove Cemetery |
roche-harbor, washington, usa, 98250 |
Searles Gravesite |
roche-harbor, washington, usa |
Afterglow Vista Mausoleum |
roche-harbor, washington, usa |
Roche Harbor Cemetery |
roche-harbor, washington, usa |
Grand Mound Cemetery |
rochester, washington, usa |
Rochester Cemetery |
31440 Washington Avenue/County Highway D, rochester, wisconsin, usa, 53105 |
West Meadows Cemetery |
North English Settlement Avenue/County Highway J, rochester, wisconsin, usa, 453185 |
Honey Creek Cemetery |
Washington Avenue/County Highway D, rochester, wisconsin, usa, 53105 |
Honey Creek Memorial Cemetery |
35512 Washington Avenue/County Highway D, rochester, wisconsin, usa, 53138 |
Foss Family Cemetery |
Route 202 Hilltop, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Wingate Homestead Burial Ground |
Bernard Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3868 |
Willand Family Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Varney Graveyard |
Farmington Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Watson Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Tebbets Burying Ground |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Saint Marys Cemetery |
Lowell Street, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Roberts Burying Ground |
Salmon Falls Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3868 |
Rogers Page Cemetery |
Route 11, Farmington Rd, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Rochester Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Ramsbottom Family Cemetery |
Old Dover Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Old Cemetery |
S Main St and Franklin St, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Kimball Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Jenness cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
McDuffee Cemetery |
Rochester Neck Road and Forest Meadows Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3839 |
Jenness Family Cemetery |
Boat Ramp Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Isaac Bickford Family Burial Ground |
Rochester Neck Rd, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3839 |
Old Town Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Holy Rosary Cemetery |
133 Brock Street, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Henderson Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Pearl Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Haven Hill Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Furber Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Hayes Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Friends Cemetery |
Meaderboro Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
French-Hussey Family Burial Ground |
Corner Washington and Woodlawn Terrace, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Foss Family Cemetery |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Caleb-Jackson Family Cemetery |
Rochester Hill Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Daggett Cemetery |
Rochester Neck Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3839 |
Clark Cemetery |
Bickford Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
McDuffee Family Cemetery |
Farmington Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Bickford Family Burial Ground #2 |
Ten Rod Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3835 |
Bickford - Hayes Cemetery |
Rochester Neck Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Foss Cemetery |
Estes Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa, 3867 |
Allen Burying Ground |
1103 Salmon Falls Road, rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
Bickford Family Burial Ground #1 |
rochester, new-hampshire, usa |
John Walkup Family Cemetery |
rocheport, missouri, usa |
Walnut Grove Cemetery |
rocheport, missouri, usa |
Yahweh's Assembly In Messiah Cemetery |
401 N. Roby Farm Road, rocheport, missouri, usa, 65279 |
Smiths Chapel |
925 County Rd 416, rocheport, missouri, usa, 65279 |
Old Big Springs Church Cemetery |
rocheport, missouri, usa |
Rocheport City Cemetery |
304 N Gaw St, rocheport, missouri, usa, 65279 |
Rural Jordan Cemetery |
248-652 N Dometrorch Rd Rocheport, MO, rocheport, missouri, usa, 65279 |
Beach Grove Cemetery |
rochelle-park, new-york, usa |
Schoonmaker Ground Cemetery |
Rt 209, rochester, new-york, usa |
Osterhoudt Family Cemetery |
Lower Whitfield Rd, rochester, new-york, usa |
Frost Burial Ground |
Clove Valley Road, rochester, new-york, usa |
Van Gasbeck Ground |
rochester, new-york, usa |
Tryon Cemetery (Defunct) |
Landing Road, rochester, new-york, usa, 14625 |
Saint Joseph's Cemetery |
rochester-junction, new-york, usa |
Trinity Episcopal Church Columbarium |
3450 W Ridge Road, rochester, new-york, usa, 14626 |
Stone Road Cemetery |
rochester, new-york, usa |
Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Cemetery |
S Clinton Avenue and Field Street, rochester, new-york, usa, 14620 |
Third Presbyterian Church Columbarium |
4 Meigs Street, rochester, new-york, usa, 14607 |
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Columbarium |
25 Westminster Road, rochester, new-york, usa, 14607 |
Saint Joseph's Cemetery |
rochester, new-york, usa |
Rapids Cemetery |
86 Congress Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa |
Riverside Cemetery |
2650 Lake Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa, 14612 |
Saint Boniface Cemetery (Defunct) |
S Clinton Avenue and Highland Parkway, rochester, new-york, usa, 14620 |
Mount Hope Cemetery |
Mount Hope Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa, 14620 |
McCrackenville Cemetery |
rochester, new-york, usa |
Kings Landing Cemetery |
Lake Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa |
Monroe County Poorhouse Cemetery |
Highland Park, rochester, new-york, usa |
Garden of Remembrance |
2 Riverside Street, rochester, new-york, usa, 14613 |
Eastman Business Park |
Lake Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa, 14615 |
Charlotte Cemetery |
River Street, rochester, new-york, usa |
Brighton Cemetery |
Hoyt Place, rochester, new-york, usa |
Brick Presbyterian Church Cemetery |
rochester, new-york, usa |
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery |
2461 Lake Avenue, rochester, new-york, usa, 14612 |
Rochester Station Cemetery |
Griggs Road, rochester, ohio, usa |
Beckley Cemetery |
rochester, ohio, usa |
Rochester Center Cemetery |
rochester, ohio, usa |
Saint Patrick Catholic Cemetery |
Main Street, rochelle, illinois, usa, 61068 |
Lawnridge Cemetery |
rochelle, illinois, usa |
Le Gier-Lovellette Cemetery |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Rochester Cemetery |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Martin Cemetery |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Indian Burial Ground |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Mottarville Cemetery |
5999 Sweeney Drive, rochester, illinois, usa |
South Fork Cemetery |
Breckridge Road and Johnson Road, rochester, illinois, usa, 62563 |
Bashaw Family Cemetery |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Taylor Cemetery |
rochester, illinois, usa |
Wheeldon Family Cemetery |
E County Road 400 S, rochester, indiana, usa, 46975 |
Mount Zion Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Rochester IOOF Cemetery |
620 West 3rd Street, rochester, indiana, usa, 46975 |
McKee Cemetery |
County Road 250 N, rochester, indiana, usa, 46975 |
Johnson Family Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Citizens Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Fulton County Poor Farm Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Burton Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Antioch Cemetery |
rochester, indiana, usa |
Roch Parish Church Cemetery |
roch, pembrokeshire, wales |
Zion Methodist Episcopal Cemetery |
Wright Road, rochester-mills, pennsylvania, usa |
Rochester Mills Evangelical UB Church Cemetery |
rochester-mills, pennsylvania, usa |
Pine Grove Cemetery |
rochester-mills, pennsylvania, usa |
Rochester Cemetery |
rochester, iowa, usa |
Dunfee Burial Site |
Jefferson Avenue / 320th Street, rochester, iowa, usa, 52720 |
Burnett Burial Site |
290th Street (County Road F44), rochester, iowa, usa, 52720 |
Dillon Family Cemetery |
rochester, iowa, usa |
Rochester Cemetery |
rochester, kentucky, usa |
New Midway Church Cemetery |
rochester, kentucky, usa |
Dick Green Cemetery |
rochester, kentucky, usa |
Midway Cemetery |
rochester, kentucky, usa |
Corum Cemetery |
rochester, kentucky, usa |
Rochelle Cemetery |
rochelle, louisiana, usa |
Rosemont Cemetery |
Quarry Hill Park, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55904 |
Zumbro Lutheran Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Saint Lukes Episcopal Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Pleasant Prairie Cemetery |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Rochester State Hospital Cemetery |
Quarry Hill Park-701 Silver Creek Rd. NE, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55906 |
Oakwood East Cemetery |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Our Saviors Lutheran Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Mount Olive Lutheran Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Oakridge Farm Cemetery |
5250 50th Street SW, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55902 |
Mount Hope Cemetery |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Grandview Memorial Gardens |
1300 Marion RD SE, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55904 |
First Unitarian Universalist Memorial Garden |
1727 Walden Lane SW, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55902 |
First Presbyterian Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Mayowood Cemetery |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Calvary Episcopal Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Congregational Church Columbarium |
rochester, minnesota, usa |
Bethel Lutheran Church Columbarium |
810 3rd Avenue SE, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55904 |
Oakwood Cemetery |
41 7th Ave NE, rochester, minnesota, usa, 55901 |
Calvary Cemetery |
11th Ave. & 5th St. NE, rochester, minnesota, usa |
Cementerio de Rocha |
Rodolfo Martínez, rocha-amarela, faro, portugal, 27000 |
Rochfortbridge Cemetery |
rochfortbridge, county-westmeath, ireland |
Cimetière de Rochechouart Cemetery |
87600 Rochechouart, France, rochechouart, limousin, france |
Église de Rochefort-sur-Nenon |
rochefort-sur-nenon, franche-comté, france |
Rochefort-sur-Mer Naval Cemetery |
rochefort, poitou-charentes, france |
Rochefort Saint-Louis Cemetery |
rochefort, poitou-charentes, france |
Église Saint-Gilles-et-de-L'Assomption |
rochefort-en-yvelines, Île-de-france, france |
Cimetière de Rochefort-en-Yvelines |
rochefort-en-yvelines, Île-de-france, france |
Communal |
roche, rhône-alpes, france |
St Michael and All Angels Churchyard |
rochford, worcestershire, england |
Union Street Chapel (Wesleyan) |
rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
St. Chad's |
rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
St Clement Churchyard |
rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
St Chad's New Burial Ground |
Drake Street, rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
Rochdale Crematorium |
Bury Road, rochdale, greater-manchester, england, OLi 1 4DG |
Rochdale Cemetery |
rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
Quaker Cemetery |
George Street, rochdale, greater-manchester, england |
Denehurst Cemetery |
163 Sandy Lane, rochdale, greater-manchester, england, OL11 5DY |
St. James Ashworth |
Chapel Lane off Ashworth Road, rochdale, greater-manchester, england, OL11 5UR |
St Peter's Church |
The Parish Centre, Delce Road, Rochester, Kent, England, rochester, kent, england, ME1 2EH |
St. Nicholas's Cemetery |
Maidstone Road, rochester, kent, england |
St Nicholas Churchyard |
Boley Hill, The Precinct, rochester, kent, england, ME1 1SL |
St. Margaret's Cemetery |
Maidstone Road, rochester, kent, england |
Rochester Cathedral |
rochester, kent, england |
Saint Margarets Cemetery Lodge |
rochester, kent, england |
Rochester Castle Moat Burial Ground |
rochester, kent, england |
St Margaret Churchyard |
rochester, kent, england |
St Andrew Priory |
rochester, kent, england |
Rochester Baptist Church |
rochester, kent, england |
Old Bethel Methodist Church |
344 High Street, Rochester, Kent, rochester, kent, england, ME1 1BT |
Fort Pitt Military Cemetery |
City Way, rochester, kent, england |
St. Andrew's Churchyard |
rochford, essex, england |
Rochford Lawn Cemetery |
rochford, essex, england |
Hall Road Cemetery |
rochford, essex, england |
Rochefort Communal Cemetery |
rochefort, namur, belgium |
Lavaux-Sainte-Anne Cemetery |
Rue Sainte-Anne, rochefort, namur, belgium, 5580 |
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy |
rochefort, namur, belgium |
Friedhof Rocherath |
rocherath, liège, belgium |
Emmanuel Cemetery |
roche-percée, saskatchewan, canada |
Rochebaucourt Cemetery |
rochebaucourt, quebec, canada |
Saint John's Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery |
rochfort-bridge, alberta, canada |
Rochfort Bridge Cemetery |
rochfort-bridge, alberta, canada |
Padstow Cemetery |
8122 Twp Rd 564 ~ NE 12 57 8 W5, Rochfort Bridge, Alberta, Canada, rochfort-bridge, alberta, canada |
Rochester Cemetery |
rochester, alberta, canada |
Peaceful Pines Cemetery |
rochester, alberta, canada |
Rocher River Cemetery |
rocher-river, northwest-territories, canada |
Christ Church Cemetery |
12 Turner St, roches-point, ontario, canada, L0E 1P0 |
Ruscom United Church Cemetery |
rochester-township, ontario, canada |
Rochester Civil Cemetery |
rochester, victoria, australia |
Cressbrook Homestead Cemetery |
955 Rochedale Road, rochedale-south, queensland, australia, 4123 |
Rochedale Catholic Church Cemetery |
955 Rochedale Road, Rochedale Queensland Australia, rochedale, queensland, australia, 4123 |
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